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ThereIsNoHaruhiInMyClassroom Cover1

There is no Haruhi in my Classroom: First Volume

There is no Haruhi in my Classroom (Oreno Kyōshitsu Haruhi ha Inai 俺の教室にハルヒはいない) is a light novel by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko unconnected to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya franchise and having no bearing on the universe, but given approval by Nagaru Tanigawa. The author is Teru Arai (Arai Teru 新井 輝) and drawings are done by Kojikoji.

It focuses on a male student who sits in the same spot as Kyon, but there's no Haruhi sitting behind him.

First Volume[]


Yū (sometimes called Hiroshi or Yutaka) is a male student familiar with Haruhi Suzumiya's famous line, "I'm not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!" However, he is annoyed by elements of the franchise such as supernatural elements, boy-meets-girl, and high intensity.

His female childhood friend Shirakawa (sometimes called Kasuga) is convinced that a someone like Haruhi does exist in their class, and calls a truant female classmate whose seat is behind Yū's "Haruhi".

Shirakawa is trying to become a voice actor. She randomly encountered anime scriptwriter Makoto at a meal... although the meeting might not truly be random.

In the meantime, Yū finds himself involved with his childhood friend and others aspiring to make a name in the anime industry.


Second Volume[]


ThereIsNoHaruhiInMyClassroom Cover2

Second volume

A second volume has been published.

Kagurazaka, the student council president, examined the seat occupied by "Haruhi" and said the protagonist knew who was supposed to be there.


Third Volume[]


A third volume has been published.


Third volume cover

The protagonist is referred to in the first person. Manami asked whether she had stayed at Yu's house after school, a suggestion which surprised the protagonist. Meanwhile, Kagura invites the protagonist to a party by the sea. Manami arrived, but so did people the protagonist didn't know.


Some of the internal artwork and jacket comments were done by Puyo.[1]

Fourth Volume[]



Fourth volume cover

A fourth volume was published in 2015.

Part of the supporting information roughly translates as a "miracle of youth story" that stirs up "mere mortals".

While Kasuga was working as a voice actor, the protagonist got a message from the class confession, asking for a face-to-face meeting. Wondering if it was a confession, a woman confronted him with a weapon in hand.

The artwork and description are suggestive of the meeting between Kyon and Ryoko Asakura.


External Links[]


  1. July 28, 2014. Official Nagato Yuki-chan twitter has returned to life!. Reddit. Accessed 2014-09-01.